Will 2009 see the western world become bankrupt? How far can our Governments bail out our banks and car firms, and where do they get the money from. Couldn't they find a few quid to help our favorite high Street shop Woolworths.
Will Brucie ever become Sir Brucie.....If your some unknown in the Civil Service and come up with some crazy idea on how to rescue the World from the financial meltdown then you've no worries about meeting the Queen and her mighty sword. The establishment, the Government...do they really have any clue what is going on in the real world.
I see our rather dull Home Secretary announces new measures for the police tomorrow. Sounds to me like another pathetic gimmick and more paperwork for our already overworked boys in blue. Just let them police the streets not write about them.
Could our news programmes focus more on home news that is relevant to us rather that spend half the programme on what's going on in a country thousands of miles away and does not affect any of us here in Britian. Are you listening BBC and Sky News but then your staff are so full of their own self importance you couldn't care less about the people that actually pay your wages.
Stop me now, I seem to have gone on a bit of a rant and rave tanget. Sorry about that. On a lighter note see you all in the new year and hope to post some more of my opinions, grudges, articles and stories on this wonderful place we call home.
Michael Gibson 2008